Zero To $500+ Million In Sales From Personality & Relationship Based Online Business – With Ryan Lee

Welcome to another insightful session with our guest, Ryan Lee, a widely recognized entrepreneur famed for building an eight-figure supplement business entirely on affiliate marketing. Ryan Lee is here to discuss the three key ways to generate traffic, encompassing purchasing, borrowing, and creating. This interview is a gold-mine for budding entrepreneurs, established businesspersons, or anyone in dire need of demystifying traffic acquisition, retention, and conversion. Ryan's successful venture exemplifies his credentials and the potency of his advice. Therefore, listening to Ryan delineates actionable methods to transform your trajectory and accelerate toward higher revenues and sustainable growth.

Here are the reasons why you should listen to the full interview

  • Discover Ryan's proven strategies for successful audience acquisition, particularly buying traffic.

  • Learn how to drive customer retention in subscription-based business models, thus creating wealth.

  • Understand how outbound marketing outperforms other modes for business scalability.


Ancient Secrets Of Lead Generation

This eBook has all the steps you would need to launch your business and help you to Generate Leads

Interview Highlights

Ryan Lee: Sustainable Customer Acquisition

  • Ryan Lee advocates for paid advertising to scale your business
  • The reciprocity game is unsustainable
  • The ability to pay money to buy a customer is paramount

"Paid advertising is the only way you can really scale."

Building Profitable Relationships: Navigating the New Norms

  • Old methods involve sending prospects to sales pages or video sales letters
  • New strategy employs getting prospects to opt into a webinar
  • 97% retention rate achieved through this method

"Now you can get them to opt into a webinar, whether it's live or an automated one."

Retention and Wealth Creation

  • Products with built-in subscription models or backend sales foster wealth creation
  • Retention should be the core focus

"Retention is everything, Darryl, and people don't focus enough in it."

For an understandable and detailed analysis of each point, consider listening to the full interview. Dive in and leverage these expert insights to remodel your strategies and witness tangible improvements in your business.

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