What To Do When You’re Stuck

If you get through all 21 days without ever hesitating, having doubts, second-guessing yourself or getting stuck, you may want to go to a doctor and have them check and make sure you’re still human. 

For most of us, we’re going to have moments where we wobble. We might hesitate. We might do things not tied and connected to the goal. Instead, there’s busy work, and we do it to justify and make us feel like we’re making progress – but we’re not.

Anytime you’re feeling stuck, you need to remember there are four things you can do to get back on track making progress. Find your bottleneck & fix it.

4 Mistakes People Make When They Get Stuck:

  • They’re not putting in the time towards the goal.

Daily progress towards all goals. Daily. Every day, every day, every day, every day. When? Today. Tomorrow… Every single day improve by at least 1%.

  • There’s no accountability.

People may be putting in time, but no one’s really holding the reins. Everyone’s pointing their fingers at each other as to who is responsible for putting in the time. Who is responsible & accountable for delivering results within your chosen time period?Let me tell you a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have.

The story may be confusing but the message is clear: no one took responsibility so nothing got accomplished.

  • There’s no focused time. Energy must be focused.

There is when you are sitting there and doing it, then there is time you are daydreaming while holding the tools but not actually getting anything done.How much of your time is actually focused? How much is your time actually spent getting the work done versus pausing to think, etc?

  • There’s no support.

The final part is support. Maybe you’re doing a lot of time, work and effort, but you’re STILL not getting the result. This is where you may need support from someone to check your tools, check your strategy, check your team members work, do whatever it takes to make sure you’re heading in the right direction.


So if you’re ever feeling stuck, give yourself a 5-minute break to step away and relieve yourself of any pressure of production. Then, reaffirm the specific thing you want to get done. Identify the next action you need to take and give it 5 minutes. Play a little. Detach from needing to produce an output.

Don’t worry about this block or the next three blocks. First give 5 minutes, see how you feel and then consider finishing the first block. You can tell yourself you’re going to sit down and do eight blocks, that’s fine. But you cannot DO 8 at the same time. You do them one by one. So focus on the first one. Focus on the first 5 minutes just to get the momentum going. If you really have to stop after 5 minutes, then stop.. Come back to try 5 minutes again later. Time management is also energy management.Anytime you’re stuck, come back to this page and use any of these tools on this page to help you keep moving forward

Are you stuck right now?

So the first thing is the 5-minute break to get clarity and recommit to results. At the end of the 5 minutes time block period, the second thing to do is to set a timer to hold yourself accountable to get organized and moving within 5 minutes or 10 minutes if you need more time. It helps to have some sort of forcing function.

Anytime your project isn’t moving forward or you feel stuck, go through these four elements. 

  • Who’s putting in the time? 
  • Is it you? Okay. So you are accountable. 
  • Are you focused right now? Do you need to get some water? Can you step back for 2-5min and then lean in for 25min of uninterrupted focused attention? Do you need to stretch or walk around for 2 minutes to wake your body up?
  • How can you actually get focused and productive in 2 minutes or less? 

And if you need support, then maybe you need support. Maybe you need to ask for help. Maybe you need a coach or someone to sign off on something. That’s fine. Just make sure you double-check your problem isn’t any of the other 3 areas before you call support. It’s the first thing we will look into.The good news is, even though you have to do the work yourself you don’t have to do it alone. We are always here if you need help.You got this. We believe in you.

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