Pillars Of Achievement

Anytime you want to get something done, there are four pillars of accomplishment. You need discipline and consistency to achieve them. Discipline and consistency are required for any goal you wish to achieve. Goals without deadlines are just dreams.

You need to make a deadline for your dream in order to make it a goal. And then you need to express discipline and consistency in order to achieve it. 

Now to achieve it, you’re going to need the four pillars. These are: 

Pillars Of Achievement

These four pillars, when executed and used, will help you accomplish anything. 

In fact, humanity’s accomplished some amazing feats. We’ve put humans on the moon. We’ve launched machinery, sophisticated technology, and how to roam distant planets. We’ve gone to the bottom of the ocean and documented all the life that we see there. 

We’ve doubled our lifespan. We’ve created technology which allows us to open portals in our hand and see people and speak to them in real-time almost anywhere on the planet, as well as send them information and receive information from them that we can print out in digital 3D printing form or on paper and ink format. You can take a book on one end of the world and transfer it to me on this end here.

Discipline and consistency are needed in order to achieve the goal. 

Just like walking down a path, if it’s one kilometer and you are walking at a pace of a kilometer an hour, it will take you an hour of maintaining this activity level to achieve that which you seek. You can stand on the corner and hope to attract it. You can visualize it. You can mentally see in your mind all that you wish, but it will not bring you closer to your goal until you begin to take the first step. 


The first step is investing time into the project, into achieving that which you seek. 


After time, there is accountability. You might think you’re putting time into a project, but who’s accountable for making sure that it’s done? And where is the deadline? Without a deadline, there’s no real accountability in place. This is required. If it’s not a perceived real deadline, then it’s not real accountability. If it ceases to function, then it’s not right. It’s not accurate. And maybe you don’t want to be the one that does it, and that’s okay. But regardless of if you do it or someone else does it, it must get done. This cannot be overlooked. 


Focus is the next requirement because you can take a lot of time to do something simply because you aren’t focused on doing it.


After this is support. Sometimes we need a little help from our friends. Sometimes we have emotional states we have to express or change in order to proceed on our path. Or perhaps you just don’t know the answer, so you need someone who has experience or knowledge or, potentially, you need to put a panel of experts together because it’s a problem no one solved yet, and we need brainpower to solve so many little problems piece by piece as we take apart this bigger whole we wish to accomplish. 

Either way, you’re going to need time, accountability, focus and support in order to accomplish your goal. This program is designed to keep your eye on the prize, help you remain focused and minimize wasted time, energy and effort by only focusing on the critical few things that matter most.

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