Nuts & Bolts Of Real Goal Setting

Today is your first day of planning the actual work to be done.

Yesterday you may have used a day to do the big picture planning stuff. Today, we are actually going to get into the nuts and bolts of determining:

(1) what we will accomplish this week,
(2) how much time we will dedicate to this task,
(3) how much time it should take to be done.

We will be establishing our goals.

Setting SMART Goals

Nuts & Bolts Of Real Goal Setting

One of the things that we need to do for every week is we need to set SMART goals. So if you are just doing the 15 minute predict commitment, you need to pick a goal something that is specific, that is measurable, that you are accountable for something that’s realistic to get done, but hopefully still pushing yourself. And that’s time-sensitive. And that’s time to find. And we do that by defining how many poms.


The first thing you do is set the goal. For example, maybe the goal will be to double the lead flow from last week.

Now, anytime something is more than one step, it is a project not a task.

We need to take your tasks, your project goal for the week, and we need to just try to brainstorm the actual to-do one-step items that it will take to get this goal done. Today’s only focus is not on getting any of these things done. It’s just being clear about that so we can have a realistic point of view on the task we’ve chosen. So, once you’ve decided on something specific that you can measure, and sometimes you can apply fuzzy filters to measure something that’s not measurable, for example, happiness is elusive.

Happiness can be difficult. It is a very subjective thing to measure. It’s not countable, like stones in your hand, or flowers, or new rose bushes.

All right, come on. Let’s go.

What if your goal is happiness?

How do you measure something intangible? Something you can’t count like apples?

First, you have to give yourself a subjective criteria. Maybe you’re counting warm, fuzzy things, like how did you feel about the day? On a score of 1-10? Maybe you have things you can count like the things you have to be grateful for.

Now you’ve come up with two or three questions to help you define your ‘happiness’. Sometimes people set goals not understanding how to reach it. A really important thing to know about goal setting is there are 3 types of goals you should set for yourself.

  1. There’s an outcome goal, which is the end result. So again, maybe your goal is to ‘be happy’.
  2. There’s a process goal. So maybe you’re going to accomplish something by following a certain process. Maybe long walks make you happy, doing yoga makes you happy.. perhaps there are a few items you can think of. So now the process goal would be something like “as part of my morning routine I’ll make sure I go for a walk around the park.” Now you’ve set a ‘process’ goal to walk every morning.
  3. Last, you have ‘performance’ goals. This is now a goal for how well you will ‘run your process’.

So if your outcome goal is ‘be happy’ or maybe ‘make a million dollars’ even…Next you set process goals… For the goal ‘to be happy’ it could be walk in the mornings and do yoga before bed. If your goal is to make money, then perhaps you’ll work 1 hour on your company sales goals everyday Mon-Fri.. not working to GET sales.. but looking at your PROCESS of finding people, qualifying them, etc.. Then you’d set a goal to perform at 80%.. meaning we know none of us are perfect, so you’re going to fight your hardest to comply 80% of the time with this plan.
You want to perform where you don’t feel tired, sick, lazy, all these other things and end up missing the process steps that you’ve laid out to achieve your goal.

If you follow this process and you perform, if you hit your performance goals, which is within control – if you then also hit your process goals, you should hit your outcome goal.

This course is to help you focus, stay focused and define your process for your performance goals. We monitor those together to produce the outcomes. You have to do the work but you don’t have to do it alone.

A lot of people have planners and journals where they get to write their goals. But there’s actually nothing that’s holding them accountable to do the groundwork, the machinery behind the scenes to make sure that stuff actually gets done. You just get to write down the big goal and feel good about having put it in your book.

This program has been making that a reality because you are worth it. You deserve it. You are entitled to it. You are more powerful than you would ever believe. You are human and unlike any other creature on this planet, humans can do whatever they want.

You know my dog, I love my dog, but really my dog is only going to do the five or six things my dog does every day. I could go to large extents to try to teach her something else. But that would be an exception. It wouldn’t be built in to the animal.

But humans are built with the ability to do whatever we want.

You want to do gymnastics, you want to be a ballerina, you want to touch the bottom of the ocean. Right? You want to see the bottom of the ocean I guess I should say, because we’ve done that.

People have wanted to go to the moon. People wanted to fly. You have to understand when the concept of flight was first coming up, people were saying I want to sit in a chair that somehow just on itself takes me way up into the sky. That sounds crazy.

Same thing with phones right now. The technology we’re using–we all have smartphones, where we can video conference across the world. But if I told you I could open a portal in my hand where I can see and talk to people real time all over the world that would sound like magic. But today it’s just common, everyday technology available in almost every single part of the world.

So we are so powerful.

You are so powerful.

And I want to help you unlock and reach your full potential. And so, stick with the program. We will get there one step at a time.

So today is about establishing SMART goals.


So now this is the outcome goal. We need to set a process goal. Your process goal will be to dedicate a 15 minute block once a day, twice a day, three times a day, whatever you want every single day between now and the end of the week.

Then what is your performance goal? How well do you want to be on? You have to accept we are flawed, you know that we’re not perfect. We’re not machines. You’ll do your best. And what’s a good goal that you can set for yourself? Once you know yourself, you’ll know how to push yourself. But in the beginning, set something again that you think is realistic and achievable.

Better to exceed, and feel good about yourself than to say you’re going to do all this and then not get any of it done.

So this is the task for the first day.

You want to set a SMART goal for the week. Then you want to identify the process you need to follow to get there and the performance goals. Itemize the individual to-do task items from this plan. Again, this shouldn’t be a long-drawn-out weekend-long event. Just brainstorm it out right now.

It doesn’t have to be perfect. Again, we want progress not perfection.

It’s about hours on the mat. Time under tension. That moment when you’re uncomfortable and you want to look away and do something else.

You got to get comfortable with that discomfort. That’s your comfort zone and you want it right. They say everything you want is on the other side of your comfort zone.

Stick with me. Let’s get this done.

The good news is today is just about brainstorming and detailing.

You can write it out, you can dictate it out. You can talk it out however you want. You can use the notes option on this page to save your notes here in the member area if you want, but whatever you do, get it done.

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