Mapping Out Your Path To 2x Sales Part 4

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Accountability Chart – Using Perfect Lead Management System-[file_download style=”2″][download title=”Accountability%20Chart%20-%20Using%20Perfect%20Lead%20Management%20System” icon=”style1-Pdf-64×64.png” file=”” package=”” level=”” new_window=”Y”]The%20Accountability%20Chart%20is%20a%20powerful%20tool%20that%20helps%20business%20owners%20get%20the%20right%20structure%20in%20place%2C%20by%20forcing%20leadership%20teams%20to%20look%20at%20their%20organization%20in%20a%20completely%20different%20way%2C%20and%20to%20address%20the%20people%20issues%20that%20have%20been%20holding%20them%20back.[/download][/file_download]

Alright, so here we are. And I’m I just basically took our headings here, the maintenance, upkeep and legal and that sort of thing. And I just organized them in a Google drawing doc. And you can do this on a piece of paper if you like. You could do it in Microsoft Word, whatever you feel is the best format for you. And you can just kind of draw your your hierarchy here. And now you kind of had your org chart. And then if you really want to go the extra mile, you can then kind of go beside each one, create a text box, and you can go to each and you can just copy and paste these pieces over. And this is all really valuable to do because what it does is now Now you’ve got kind of a plan. Here we go. So now you have a plan for how your business would operate as a system versus one person running around and you know, and managing the whole show, but even more so even better than this. On top of it. The other thing you get is you have clear direction in terms of what do you need to create for dogs documentation for training for because the problem is, is that a lot of businesses exist in the owners head, and textbox. I don’t even know what it’s like device like human resource. So a lot of it exists in the owners head. And if it’s in the owners head, you can’t train anybody else on it. You can’t explain it to anybody else. And it’s up to you to be the one that does it all all the time. And that’s not what you want. That’s not a business. That’s a job, right? And that’s okay. If you want to be self employed. I’ve done that for a number of years. It just depends on what your goals are and what you want, right. So, again, coming back to what we’re kind of doing here. And what you can see is now I’m just, I’m just aligning stuff for now. I’m playing around with it. And it’s just up to you how you want to set your chart up. But why is it not not stretching for me, but then you will take the pieces that you have and organize them and now when you go to hire someone, you can accurately describe what the role is that you’re hiring them for, you can accurately describe the task that you need to Have them done. And then you also have a clear way to gauge and to track whether they’re doing a good job or not. So, I mean, obviously, you could see I could play around a lot more with formatting and size. And for whatever reason, this line didn’t want to go all the way through. So we’re gonna make a duplicate. Right, but there we go. And so now you can see, we’ve got kind of an outline of what the tasks are. And you can tell by a lot of this is not full time work, especially in the beginning. And so when it comes time to hiring, you’re not looking for full time people, you’re looking for people that are looking for something part time and, you know, depending on what, what especially at least when you’re getting up and running, and if it is you that does everything, that’s okay, too, but at least you can divide up your work and sort of identify what are the high end tasks that you should hire someone to do? What can you delegate to others, you know, again, if you don’t want to be making $5 an hour $10 an hour then don’t do 510 dollars an hour work. So this is basically it. For an example. Here’s an example of an org chart that I Did for a client with an online visit a project CEO said your project manager, right can receivables account payables, budgeting, business metrics, admin taxes. And they had two parts driving traffic and converting traffic because it was exclusively an online business. So for driving the traffic, they had all these different tasks they had doing paid ads, print, radio, YouTube, all this sort of stuff. And then this part, and this wasn’t fully complete the survey, I couldn’t find the actual finished product. But again, it just shows you how it gives you an overview of what’s happening in the business. Who do you need to hire? What are the roles that you’re looking for? You can even break down a single task. So this is a company priorities. And then here, you’ve got project management, right? What do they have to do as a project manager? And so that’s basically what you’re trying to do. You’re trying to break this down and get clarity on what would your business be if it was a machine that ran without your involvement? What are all the pieces of this machine? What are all the parts of the engine? What are all the tasks that need to be done. And then what’s the hierarchy? What are the groupings that make, you know that have a similar skill set where if you are going to bring someone on board, you make sure that you’re not just having them do one thing or that, you know, you only need them for an hour a day or two, three hours a day or right, whatever that is. This helps give you that sort of clarity in your business. And it all builds off of what we did before, again, from the previous research to building out our perfectly management system. And in the future. Next week, you’re going to see how we manage the team and how we even create documentation. So now you actually have a sellable asset if you’re building your businesses sell it. So that’s it. That’s our workout for this week. I encourage you to sit down and shut up all distractions to get your pomodoro timer started and to stick with this until you’ve got it done. Go through finish your perfectly management system if you haven’t already, and go through create the task list of all the things that have to happen in your business for it to be done and then create your own accountability charts. org chart. So you have some clarity in your business on what it is that your business does without your involvement, get it out of your head, get it onto a piece of paper so you can actually build a business from it. So I know that there’s probably fires going on in your life and in your business right now phone calls need to make and things that have to be done. But this is how you work on a business, not in it. This is how you design a business and build it from the outside. So you can hire people that play almost like a football team or a basketball team or a baseball team. So you can then start to interview and test people for key talent that you want in your business and really just focus on the things that will move the needle the most, to earn you what you’re really worth. So that’s it. If you have any questions, please message us at support. At best business You can also post in the Facebook group. Again, I love to hear from people even if you don’t have a problem. If you just want to show off the work you’ve done. Let me know your success is my success. And I look forward to our next week’s lesson. So take care and we’ll talk soon

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