Mapping Out Your Path To 2x Sales Part 1

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This is our perfect lead management system. And here, the whole point of this exercise is the map out the experience with your business from the customer’s perspective, from the very beginning of your relationship when they first hear about you to the very end. If you’re selling bridges, you only sell one, you know, every maybe 20 or 75 years. If you sell newspaper, it’s daily, but not everyone stays with everything forever. There’s a period of time even a gym membership. You might train at a gym for a few years and then you move or you decide to take up a new hobby. Generally speaking, they say about six years the typical business will have a completely new customer base in six years, whether you’re a restaurant or whatever, and of course, you want to extend that as long as possible. And keep people with you as much as you can. But this is the system and as a whole.

So here you can see on the far left, we have attract traffic. So this is where people hear about you. This is the audience, they find out about you and they go to check out your website, or they come to your booth at the network at the networking event, or wherever that traffic comes from. That’s where we call traffic, contact info capture point, this is where you collect it, whether they call in whether they go to a website and give a form, whether they drop their business card into your your ballot box, whatever that is, and then what is your system to follow up with them because any successful sales rep is known. If you’re not organized, if you don’t have a process or a system for following up with people, you just forget about them and they and they disappear. And so you have to be attentive to the people who have shown interest. You have to follow up with them. The initial offer often when people have never done business with you before, they don’t know if they can trust you. They’re a little skeptical. So that first offer needs to be something that’s kind of easy and low risk and maybe a small step. But might only be a small piece of a bigger project. But then of course you want to deliver and wow them, which is you want to over deliver, you want to make sure they had a fantastic experience and you want to do more than the competitors do. And it doesn’t often take much, but just a little extra thoughtfulness can go a long, long way. And then back end is what we call, like, you know, like in math that there’s a one on one and maybe you sell a 102 course, no 103 that’d be a back end offer, of course, seasonal and special offers. And then of course, you want to try to take your best customers and ask them for referrals, tell other people why they love your business and why they do business with you.

So it’s pretty straightforward with how you listed I’m going to show you some examples. So this is what I made for this program to make it easy, but we’ve been doing this in various ways, shapes and forms. So this is one that was for an online business here we have pay per click and SEO traffic comes to their website. They would sign up for 20 best tips for teaching spelling report and they would select from a drop down if they were homeless. school or classroom teacher, then they’ve got some emails, it looks like three emails here that would follow up and offer them the first product, right? They would sell it they would have an in cart upsell an upsell is like at the checkout counter when you’re at wherever you are your grocery store, and you’re buying something, you buy a pack of gum or whatever, that’s like an upsell. And then you welcome them. Welcome. Hey, welcome to the new thing. And look, we’ll self sell level two, level three. So this is exactly what happens. So this is exactly what we brought the process that we had. So we have traffic, which is from paid ads and search engine traffic
comes to the website, they sign up the segment themselves based on a drop down menu on the opt in form really easy or even a checkbox, they get different specific follow up the product is the same, but maybe there’s some small customization to it. And then they get welcomed. And this is again this is the customer experience as a whole. Here’s another one let me zoom in a little bit. So here we have paid ads and social media. We are starting Search Engine Optimization. We also have social media. We’ve got trade shows, and we have Collins. And so here we have a web form on the web page. This is the trade show where you get their email, maybe they write it on a piece of paper, and then their staff put it in the web form, they have the same email series. Or if this calls in, you can have an internal webform, which can have a lot more fields on it than just the couple that you usually see in a website. And that would be your staff. And they would use that as almost like a script and I’ll show you an example.

In below, I’ll take a screenshot and show you and this would show the follow up so they enter in the prospect enters prospects info into the internal webform. And then they are either interested where you would set an appointment because you’re on the phone with them right away. And then you have appointment reminder, or you would automatically go Okay, well, let’s put you into the long term nurture. Let’s get your info. Let’s put you on our newsletter. Let’s send you a tip every while let’s just keep you on your update list, right. And this is how it will go. And so here, they clicked, they’re interested, you’d send appointment, no response to go to the long term nurture. And the same thing here, once the appointment is set, this is the experience, obviously you want to remind them to come you have the appointment, you know, then you come here, if they’re interested, then you get payment, and you follow up with them, get a feedback survey at the end, if they’re satisfied as for testimonial, they’re not satisfied, you send them to a customer service rep or
you have a process to follow them.

Maybe it’s a couple emails and then a phone call, maybe it’s a phone call first. It really depends on your business. And in the beginning, if you’re not sure you go with what you think is so depending on the stage of your business, one of the best things you could do is even go through your sent email folder or your phone call log and look at what you have been doing to try to come up with this process for yourself in your business. Here’s another example here. Here we had paid ads and search engine optimization goes to seven tips to avoid blank. You get it right they follow up if they seem interested. You send them more info on why this stuff is awesome. If they buy it. Boom shopping cart if there’s no response, long term nurture, if you follow up as a lead, they fall off long term nurture. And the reason why you have a long term nurture is people don’t buy when you’re ready to sell people buy when they’re ready to buy. And sometimes you can be the choice just by staying in touch and being a helpful, friendly service for them. And just Hey, if you’re not ready, let me tell you blank. Let me tell you why our process is the best. Hey, let me tell you about the success story we have with our clients. Hey, let me tell you about my philosophy towards blank, you know, and they can ignore the emails if they’re not interested. But at the same time, it helps them get to know like and trust you over time because relationships do not happen in a single event. They’re established over time. So obviously, you can see the same thing. They buy new customer follow up, are they happy, boom, get some testimonials. If they’re not happy, find out why fix it, and then get a testimonial and then upsell them if there’s something else you want to offer them. There’s another type of business here you can see there’s different different sort of business card from an event then You would do it yourself internal web form. Or maybe there’s a joint venture joint venture is like a strategic partnership. So that’s where or a strategic alliance that’s where businesses cross promote for each other paid ads, search engine optimization, newspaper, magazine ads, live events, social media, this is all traffic. So depending on what you use in your business, that would go down here. And then the next step, what’s the next step three part video series, boom video series, then there’s a free webinar, they buy the webinar or they don’t boom, they go to long term nurture, they buy, right,
which this is, this is a webinar product. So the webinar that was the product, the training, the follow up, if they’re satisfied, great good testimonial, if not here. And so this is where you get to look at your business from a high level. And this works for all sorts, whether it’s software, whether it’s real estate, whether it’s a service business, whether it’s a product business, Every business has a life cycle, Every business has leads that come in that flow through from left to right and so for yourself You would bring it in, you put in your blocks here. And I’ve kind of updated this from kind of what you see on this one, because it’s gone through different iterations, different rights, different uses. This is a software one. So new lead option 123, you get a rep on with them, they’re working it right. You talk to them, you sell them, new customer, you ship a product, a physical product. And then over here, once people have become testimonials, you have an affiliate program, hey, do you want to help promote our service as well? So this one’s a little bit more complicated. But in a nutshell, this is the system you can use. And when you do this as a business, the beautiful thing about this is as you feel the sin identifies all the things that happen in your business that have to function, at least that a certain might be the iceberg. What I mean by that is if we take just for example, what’s one we take this the set appointment, set appointment sounds really easy, but for that you have to have someone that has a phone error that has a phone number that they can call and they’ve got to have some sort of calendar system Write that you can use. And maybe you’ve got a team, maybe you run a spa and you’ve got seven misuses. So you know, it might be. This little icon might be simplistic and it’s representation because it might be very diverse, what happens behind the scenes, the iceberg principle, but once you map it out here, now you’ve got a process and you’ve built a business from beginning to end where you understand where people go, and then you can also track the performance of things. So for example, first step is to get this done. And that’s our focus for today. The only focus you have today is to worry about getting this filled in and planning it out, start to finish and then you want to start to try to document things Okay, so first step is just fill in the sheet and don’t worry about doing more because we will revisit this in future weeks we are going to build on this. But the next step you would want to do once you fill this in for those of you that are ambitious and want to go ahead is you want to document the thing. So what I mean by that here it says follow up sequence email series, you would want to then maybe have a link in In here, if you know how to do that to a PDF or an image, or just attach it with this, and name it the same thing, so are sorry, follow up system. So what I mean, it’s here we would go you know, so we’ve got whatever What was it called? It was? Well just as email series. So we will go email series. There’s one that was three free videos, I don’t let me go back, I’ll change this back, we’ll go 25 I’ll, I’ll name a
free three videos.

So what you want to do is increase some sort of documentation or include those in the folder. Where was that one. Now a three part video series here, email series. So when you say that you would then want to make a folder where you include the videos and the emails that are doing and that way, it’s a nice tidy, little bundle, if that makes sense. And so anytime you want to review or update, you can look at that and then you see your business almost like an assembly line from beginning of where people find out about you how you get their information so you can stay in touch and build a relationship. Put them through your follow up system, how you’re selling them, whether you’re delivering and wowing. And you can really just zoom in to specific points to see where is the bottleneck in your business? Because you might think right now, if I could get on, you know, on national television, if I could have a million people find out about my business, that would solve all my problems. But maybe you’re not making any sales. Maybe you already have an audience, maybe you’re already collecting info, maybe you’re already getting followers, but you’re not making sales, or perhaps you’re getting a first sale, and people love your business, but you’re having a hard time paying the bills every month. And that’s because, you know, the cost of operating this front part, which is typically the most expensive, right? They say it’s more expensive to get a new customer than it is to get someone who’s already bought from you to come back. It’s like dating, right? It’s easier to go on a second date than to get a first date with someone. And that’s almost what it’s like here in business. And so that might be like, wow, we do a great job in this beginning part. But you know, we’re leaving a lot of money on the table is there another product that we can sell them, whether it’s ours or someone else’s. And we could just get a commission from that sale, because we’ve already spent so much time, energy and money on doing this. In fact, if people have heard this before, with McDonald’s that, you know, maybe they make $10, we’ll say when they sell you a meal, but it takes $7 in marketing to get you into the door. And so in marketing and an operation costs and all that stuff, so they really only make $3 on your meal that you buy. But that’s where they did the supersize, would you like to supersize that? Well, that’s like an extra dollar dollar 50. They just increase their profits by 50%. They went from $3 profit to $4 and 50 cents profit, which when you scale that over millions of customers is a significant bump in revenue. And that’s, again, we’re using this simple tool and laying it out and just looking at it for a minute and then getting granular and really clear on the pieces. What are my three free videos, what are the emails that go with that if that’s your business model, it can really help you identify Problem spots, it can help you identify where you want to hire people to help out. It can identify how to what documentation you need in your business, to have your business operate as a as a business as a whole, versus you just waking up every day and going through a checklist of things and just running everything because you know it and it’s all in your head. This is the first step in getting it out of your head and into something that you can share with a team, with an agency with other people with advisors, and actually start building a business versus being in your business. This is working on your business. So I’m going to shut up, keep your pomodoro going, let’s get some time focused on this. Shut off your phone, shut off all distractions if you haven’t already, start filling it in. And again, these are just some examples here and you can edit it however you want. You want to do little dotted lines for no response. If you don’t want to use a sheet you want to use a mind map instead or a piece of paper. If you’re a paper and pen person, whatever it is you just need to get it done. plan out the process and then the next step we’re going to do is going to be drilling down And trying to and to group the assets for each piece. That way you could even show someone your entire business from start to finish, whether it was myself or another team or your other staff, that way people can really wrap their brain around it as a whole. So this is the perfect lead management system.

I’m super excited about this, because once again, it seems like a simple tool. But the implications and the effect of having done this and executing it properly, can be massive for yourself and your business. So thank you so much your success is my success. Please get this done and share it with me and in the group and with the other teammates. So we can all learn from each other. And, you know, let’s let’s get it done. So appreciate you talk to you soon. If you have anything of course you can contact support, and I will see you in next week’s video. Take care

[file_download style=”2″][download title=”Perfect%20Lead%20Management%20System%20Template” icon=”style1-Jpg-64×64.png” file=”” package=”” level=”” new_window=”Y”]Use%20this%20to%20model%20your%20business%20processes%20from%20where%20customers%20first%20hear%20of%20you%2C%20through%20to%20telling%20their%20family%20and%20friends.[/download][/file_download]

Mapping Out Your Path To 2x Sales Part 1
Here is an example based on our car wash business concept
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