Day 2 : Be Organized & Share




So we’ve outlined your goals and decided on what your big, hairy audacious plan is for this week. You set SMART goals. You planned it out. You mapped out the process for achieving it.

Now, we have to present this plan to the team and we have to collect all the things we need or share things to empower others to move forward.

This is when you go to your vendors, your suppliers the people on your team and get what you need from them or give them what they will need to do to accomplish the goals.

Today is the day you organize all the required things to complete the task at hand.

If you are doing this with other people today is when you get them to confirm verbally, they are capable of completing the task given to them with the tools you provided to the best of their knowledge; and if it changes, they will come to you immediately.

It’s REALLY important you don’t SAY it to them, you get THEM to say it to you..

It’s not what you say, it’s what they understand and have heard.

To better delegate/outsource you need to outline the following items:

#1 Itemize Details To Share

The first thing you need to do is reconfirm the itemized details.

This means BOTH getting more specific about what will need to be done as well as outlining the resources you’ll need to do it.

Surprises might come up but as best as we can we want to plan and prepare for them because your goals are important.

Everything you want for yourself and your future depends on achieving them.

Today you will look at the things you need to happen, brainstorm one by one and make sure you’ve:

1. Set proper SMART goals

2. Itemized all the things you need to get, give or explain so everyone working on this can move forward.

On the SMART goal planning day, we focused on the BIG picture stuff.

Today we get into the nitty-gritty specifics.

If you got started on the itemized details that’s great!

You’re ahead of the game!

Now is the time to button those up. Finalize them now you’ve had a chance to sleep on it and think about it a little bit.


Day 2 : Be Organized & Share
Once you’ve itemized all the details plus things needed to be shared. Next, you will outline RACI, which stands for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed.

This is a great little project management template tool, which helps make sure everyone involved in a project is clearly identified and no one’s confused about who is doing what or where they need to invest their time and who – at the end of the day – is accountable for pushing the goal past the finish line.

Here you identify the people are responsible for helping get the work done, who are accountable at the end of the day for making sure the project is completed.

The key point to remember is regardless of if you do the work or someone else does the work – to achieve your goals these things MUST be done.

Do you have to do EVERYTHING yourself?

Of course not.. There are only so many hours in a day.

Many hands make for light work.. BUT too many people can complicate things and cause you to get nothing done.

So how do you find the sweet spot to better co-operate and collaborate with other people?

Our RACI lesson will help show you how.

#3 Commitment

The last step is to determine how many pomodoros, you or whoever will invest to complete each task item required to accomplish the goal.

Again, we’re not looking for perfection we’re just looking for progress.

Life is messy but because we are smart, we can take action to better improve our odds of success.

We’re trying to plan it, get it out of our head onto paper, be real about the time it will take to be done or the time you have available to do it, confirm you or whoever is assigned [and says it back to you so you know there is no confusion]. and then move forward.

Maybe you’re the one doing everything but this can even include things such as letting your spouse know your plans so they can help protect the time you boxed out to get it done..


People want to help you and see you be successful.

Once you have completed today’s efforts, you will have checked off, everybody in your RACI diagram.

Everyone will have been contacted, briefed, given the things they require or, you’ve received everything you need…

Today is the day we make sure all the items required for effective teamwork to be out of your head and shared with the appropriate people.

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