BBC Phone Survey

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In Infusionsoft/Memberium on the The Best Business Survey Sequence Page, there is a page like the first one below. You will notice on the left the yellow circle is highlighting an area; that area shows the people/number of people who are about to get an email to complete a survey.

BBC Phone Survey

Notice the highlighted area in the following screenshot; when you call someone you will need to say “bestbusinessgrowthsurvey no spaces no dashes” so they will arrive at the correct survey page.

BBC Phone Survey

For the people who get the email with the survey link, they will be taken to the BBC Online Survey Page which looks like the screenshot below. It is a 3 step survey. When you call someone you will be asking them the same questions as the ones on the BBC Online Survey Page:

BBC Phone Survey

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You will login to Infusionsoft/Memberium using the login information. On the TG Best Business Survey Sequence Page and see the page below. Notice on this page where the yellow circle is that it is part 1 of the survey and part 2 and 3 are on there as well, it is broken down into pieces.

BBC Phone Survey

You will need to click on the box on the left where it says “Please take our survey” in the top right corner as is shown below. This will take you to the next page.

BBC Phone Survey

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You should now be on a page that has a list of people. Click on the name of the person you want; their profile will appear and you can look at their page a little bit to get more information about them, anything from how much they have paid  to the emails they have or have not read (none of which should be discussed with the customer). If you scroll down to Form Submissions, you will see to the right a box that says Internal Forms, click on that. Select Best Business Coach Phone Survey.

BBC Phone Survey

BBC Phone Survey

BBC Phone Survey

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You should now see a page like the one below. Notice that there is a script for you to follow if they don’t answer and you get a voice mail, and also for if they do answer. If they do answer, of course follow the script, ask the questions, and type in the answers. Be sure to click save when finished. Continue on to the next person.

BBC Phone Survey

BBC Phone Survey

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When selecting the customer to call, since you will have to call multiple people, it might be a good idea to right click on their name and select open link in new tab; that way you can easily go back to the list of people. This is also good because sometimes people may have finished the survey themselves and this would be good to know before calling them.

BBC Phone Survey

After you have finished the survey, you can go back to the Campaign Contacts Page and click back to campaign. At the top of the page, click the refresh button and then go back to the please take our survey box and click in the top right corner of the box again. When the survey that you have is completed, you will see the tag like the one in the yellow circle in the 4th screenshot below.

You can go to edit; drag a line from please take our survey to the BBC phone survey completed tag, then drag a line from clicked but no survey to the BBC phone survey completed tag. This way we will know anyone can come from anywhere.

BBC Phone Survey

BBC Phone Survey

BBC Phone Survey

BBC Phone Survey

BBC Phone Survey


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BBC phone survey interview.


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