How To Get A Million Followers in Your Niche on Social Media with Arthur Tubman

How To Get A Million Followers: More than dealing with revenue and the hardheaded teammate, it’s about building and nurturing a community. How to get one million followers in your niche? You do not burn bridges, but build them between what your community loves and what your community wants.

How To Get A Million Followers: Arthur Tubman shares his knowledge and experiences about digital marketing. He tackles how crucial it is to build a community and criteria for choosing a hot niche. Arthur emphasizes three things. Nurture the community you’ve created. Monetize through engagement. Use the “bridge market.” He shares with us his habits for success to gain mass exposure. Tune in to learn more about how to get a million followers in your niche!


Episode Highlights

Discovering Online Marketing

  • Arthur’s first exposure to marketing consisted of roadside signs, handing out flyers, and door-to-door marketing.
  • As an introvert, networking events and the like took their toll on him.
  • Online marketing became an avenue to contact others and address the burnout.
  • Through self-teaching, he learned the ropes on Facebook and Twitter to improve his internet marketing. He also attended seminars and workshops and had coaches and mentors. 

Importance of Community-Building

  • In their online communities, businesses seem to focus more on how to sell their product or service. They neglect how they can serve their community. 
  • Spamming product links and offer pages on your Facebook community is not a great strategy.
  • The key to successful community-building is engaging the audience and reaching more people.
  • Keeping your digital audience in social media platforms engaged makes it easier to market products. The audience asks for what you can offer.
  • Monetization comes after community-building.

Criteria for How To Get A Million Followers

  • First: it should be an irrational passion, e.g. pets, superheroes, art, or gaming.
  • Second: it should be social. People should be willing to wear a shirt related to it or use any product that is related to it.
  • Third: the hot niche must affect at least 1 in 250 people.
  • You have to bridge what a person in digital platforms loves to what they want.

How to Get a Million Followers Using the Bridge Market

  • If you want to enter the mass market and scale your business, get in front of more people. Build a community first before focusing on the brand. The, earn one million followers — at least!
  • When you have a product or service, find your community. See what these people are into and want to do. Bridge those two things to your product or service.
  • An example of successful bridge marketing is from the brand Country Rebel. They bridged Americana gear, their product, and country music, which is what their community likes. They gained massive social following afterwards.

Ancient Secrets Of Lead Generation

This eBook has all the steps you would need to launch your business and help you to Generate Leads

Nurturing a Community

  • Consistency and congruence are essential to the process.
  • Make sure your content is congruent with your target market. Do the research.
  • Once you have congruence, have consistency. Be consistent with your daily posts—you can do this by hiring and training people, or using tools.
  • Keep the community engaged. Ask the audience relevant questions or hold giveaways and contests for them. 
  • Connect with them through email, Messenger, or other social media tools.
  • Create a two-way interaction with your community.

Monetizing Through Engagement

  • Build your online community first and investigate what they want. The process may involve polling and surveying.
  • When reaching a specific number, e.g. 20,000, do lead generation. Do this through email, Messenger, and other platforms.
  • You can segue into monetizing by doing a giveaway. Present the product you are giving away and entice your community.
  • Another way to start monetizing is by introducing an attractive character to the audience. The figure could be someone on your team or yourself.

What Success Is About How To Get A Million Followers

  • Success is not necessarily about skill set, but proper habits.
  • You have to manage your time and money well.
  • Continually educate yourself and strive for personal development.
  • Develop powerful habits to implement the skills you’ve learned.

Habits To Develop How To Get A Million Followers

  • Habits to success include time management, money management, mentorship, and personal development.
  • Mentorship: finding people who will mentor you in the crucial aspects of your life.

Red Ocean Versus Blue Ocean Strategy

  • Red ocean strategy: it assumes that people are ready to buy right now, and you’re fighting with your competition. You spam them with your products or services.
  • Blue ocean strategy: it’s building your community and nurturing it. It aims to give users a good user experience.

Resources How To Get A Million Followers

  • FPTraffic: Efficient Social Media Management
  • Chatbots: Mini Chat and Chatfuel
  • Traffic Tribe: private mastermind by Arthur Tubman
  • To gain more insight and guidance, contact Arthur Tubman through Facebook. You may also check out D4Y Brand Builder.

About Arthur Tubman

Arthur Tubman is an expert in digital marketing and community building. He specializes in building communities on Facebook. At the age of nineteen, Arthur began a career as an entrepreneur. In 2009, he launched a tech start-up called Free Blog Factory. It was part of a web-based reality show featured on the front page of the Orange County Register. Arthur has worked with celebrities like Hulk Hogan and Alfonso Ribeiro, as well as big companies to create conversions in their businesses. He is also the founder of the D4Y Brand Builder, Inc.

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